Wednesday, February 25, 2009

who was mona blue star?

I must’ve been 4 or 5, living in the house in which I saw the world for the very first time.

The dwelling had no more secrets as I had explored it in all its corners and cracks. Outside, somewhere towards the right hand side, there was a barn in which cows where standing in a row waiting to be milked, sometimes lying down, sometimes ruminating, sometimes mooing.

And towards the left hand side, there was this once pigsty barn like structure in which I couldn’t go as a cow isolated with TB was awaiting final judgment, or so it seemed.

Her name is what I can remember, as I never laid eyes on her. She must’ve been black and white like the others. But she sparked burst of indigo ignitions in my mind: Mona Blue Star.

A deep feeling of sorrow inhabitated me as I was picturing this poor creature, shivering in the damp cold night.

Outside, it was raining, and pea soup thick fog was conveying a spooky sense to the whole scene.

Rubber coated silhouettes warily extracted the last drops of milk and the last blood samples before escorting a sinister truck.